Borrow from and lend to other UH Manoa students!
Javascript JSX Meteor React Bootstrap MongoDB
Read MoreA project I made for my ICS 212 class that grants its user access to bank records from a database.
C C++ Unix
Read MoreA simulator written in Java that runs 100 matches between 2 characters.
Read More11 Dec 2023
My experience in taking the class “ICS 314: Software Engineering I” was a combination of accomplishment and frustration. Throughout the semester, we’ve learned how to use new tools and about new concepts which we’ve applied and used for our final...
Software Engineering Coding Standards UI Frameworks
20 Nov 2023
Artificial Intelligence is a versatile tool that can be taken advantage of by students to obtain answers for their homework assignments or to complete their entire assignment within seconds, like an essay (although you generally shouldn’t be doing that). For...
Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering
04 Oct 2023
These past couple of weeks included my first ever experiences with HTML and CSS. To be completely honest, I did not think it would be as hard as it is. Learning them is pretty straightforward but the difficult part is...
Bootstrap HTML CSS
05 Sep 2023
Stupid Questions Exist! Asking questions is an important part in the process of learning something new. While you could spend time figuring out things on your own, it’s better to reach out for help from people who are knowledgeable on...
Q&A StackOverflow